AITA for calling the fire department on my neighbors?

Hii I've submitted a post once before, but it didn't reach people, I've got a new problem where I feel SUCH AN ASSHOLE for.

My father(73M) and I (16F) had been sitting outside, we had heard people talking which is unusual since everyone in our trailer park is usually asleep by or in their homes by 7pm, of course it's not protocol it's just what we're used to, it was around 8 or 9pm when this went down, me and my father had just took my dog and my cat inside, we were about to go inside too when my dad told me to look and we had seen a MASSIVE fire(I would show video proof if they allowed me to on here), it went to the top of the tree and with wind blowing it could've EASILY spreaded because all of our trailers are packed together, not to mention all the stray cats that roamed around there could've gotten injured, there's also elder people here, babies, parents, siblings, you get the point, it's embers were going crazy and lighting other things on fire, I had panicked and ran inside, I dialed 911 and they got in contact with the fire department.

I had then found out that the people were intentionally burning trash and tree branches(while drinking beer by the fire which easily could've gone south if they threw a beer bottle into the fire, EDIT: alcohol doesn't do that unless it's said, sorry about the misconception I grew up being told any alcohol was flammable), one of them was the man that my dad FINALLY got on the good side of (the man is usually a real jerk), Fire department came and put out the fire, one of the firefighters DID say that it was getting out of control and it was a good thing I called when I did,

But now I feel bad that I had possibly just ruined this mans night and he doesn't know I called the fire department; I'm not joking when I say I cried about it, even when everyone keeps reassuring me that it's okay and I did the right thing, so I'll leave it up for you all to decide.. AITA?