Hasbro Pulse Fanstream 2/20 Reveals Megathread/Recap

Link to stream.

Gamerverse stream mostly, oddly enough. With some comic reveals. They said MCU stuff would come later on.

Reveals from today:

Spider-Man 2 PS5 Wave (no BAF). Goes up everywhere for preorder next week on Tuesday, 2/25 at 1pm EST:

Single releases:

  • Spider-Man PS4 Spirit Spider. Walmart exclusive preorder in March, more info to come. New torso, pinless limbs that might be reused, I can't tell.
  • Deluxe black suit Kingpin. Amazon exclusive, preorder in March, more info to come. Specifically a gamerverse figure, but it reuses the Joe Fixit body, not the previous Kingpin body.
  • "Mega Super" Deluxe SM2 Venom, 10.5" tall, 100% new sculpt, 2 heads, removable drool effect piece, and a symbiote tendril designed to hold a Spider-Man. Goes up everywhere for preorder on Thursday, 2/27 at 1pm EST.
  • Uncanny X-Force Warpath and X-23 2-Pack, preorder in March, more info to come.

Final tease is this decent-sized missile.

Big thanks to u/chefliving for taking all the pics, saves me a lot of time so I appreciate the help!