Stuck On cardarine

Started cardarine took it for 5 days, felt great (placebo) but still felt like i could do a little bit more in gym and was planning to continue for 6-7 more weeks at 10mg each day.

But ever since ive been seeing this ongoing debate about wether it causes cancer or not, ive just fully stopped it. No one in my family has ever had cancer, i do have IBS here which ive been easily managing with my diet and completely fine and taking cardarine did give me stomach discomfort for the first 2 days and rhen completely stopped when i started taking it after meals and having loads and loads of water and taking buscopan for my stomach

Wether it causes cancer or not in humans, just the fact theres a debate on cancer for it was quite scary for me stop it. But if there’s anyone that can give their experiences on their card cycles and lmk how they are dojng right now or properly clear up the debate for me i might reconsider taking it,

It was so good wether it was placebo or not, usually burning 300 calories on the treadmill would feel like hell for me (i never done cardio consistently prior to card) but when i did it after taking card, on the 5th day i was burning a cal every 5-6 seconds and it was amazing amd that day i burnt 500 cals