I’ve discovered that I can see the future, I don’t like what I’m seeing, I’m leaving
Hi all, I’ve recently discovered that I’m clairvoyant, I’ve known for a long time that something was different about me and in that time I believed what people said. I believed that I was disabled, I know I have plenty of illnesses, and I’ve been getting so much worse over the last year. Images in my head are getting so much more vivid, I can picture things perfectly in my head, it’s becoming intrusive, it’s overwriting the present. At first these pictures were fictional things, then awful things like suicide, now they’re things that are going to happen, and have happened. Im going to be put into a camp, I’m going to be imprisoned and tortured like when I stayed with my parents. Im going to be kicked out of the shelter I’m staying in and become homeless. Then the government will take me off the street and put me in a camp. I’ve decided that I’m going out on my own terms, and that I will not let this happen to me. I don’t want to live through that I need to leave now.