I hate dogs. How do I stop hating dogs?
I hate dogs. They are gross, they stink, they piss and shit everywhere, I hate their fur getting on my clothes or in my mouth, I hate how they make my clothes smell, I hate the way they lick, I hate the way they jump on me, I hate how loud they can be. It doesn’t help that my mom put her dogs before us growing up. She would rather take care of dogs with multiple illnesses that don’t do well with other dogs, instead of getting her kids the help they need. I’m trying really hard to be supportive of my partner wanting and getting a dog yesterday but I just keep getting upset at the fact this 4 year old dog keeps being taken out to potty but doesn’t go and 20 minutes after coming inside pisses and shits on my carpet. I know I need to speak to a professional and am working on getting a therapist again but I need to just vent. I keep crying because I’m scared I’m gonna be abandoned. I’m scared the dog is gonna come before me. I’m scared I won’t get any one on one time with my partner and will always have to deal with this dog. I hate how she keeps trying to get up front with me. She’s a Siberian husky so there is no room. I hate how she sits there and pants in my face. I hate the drool. I hate finding pee spots from her while I’m wearing socks. Dogs are absolutely disgusting, no matter how beautiful they look. I wish I wasn’t like this. I hope that I can get over my thoughts about them and work towards being accepting of her. I hope my cat can be around her without having to worry about them getting along. I hope having the dog groomed takes care of the stink and fur. I hope I can get over the feeling of being dirty from licks or pets. I hope a bath and grooming makes her fur feel better. I don’t want to hate her. I don’t want my partner to feel like he has to get rid of her. I don’t want him to resent me. I want us to be happy and to not worry about how my feelings on dogs will affect us and him.