New rider here, how did you all evolve from parking lot sessions to your first ride on the road?
I finally sealed the deal on my first bike earlier today (or yesterday if you want to be technical). Super stoked about it, when it got to my house I rode around my complex for probably an hour or more getting a feel for everything. I’m confident in my clutch work/shifting (at least to second) and I feel pretty good about my braking; throttle control I feel okay with, a bit jerky but I’m adjusting, and turning I can’t really say for sure because I haven’t been above 20 around a bend since my complex has a speed limit.
I have a route marked just outside my complex that’s on the road that’s just a big loop that avoids all the super busy roads (although there is still some decent traffic because I’m right behind a shopping center) but I wanted to ask the court of public opinion here on Reddit about when you think a new rider should go from parking lot sessions to their first ride on the road? What were y’all’s experiences?