What's a poor life choice that people are encouraged to do these days?
Is it natural to feel guilt after masturbating to porn?
Remember the AC130 mission from the original Modern Warfare? Where can I find a game that is entirely that sort of gameplay?
People who can lucid dream at will, what are your most common dream signs?
Один один один один
He tried to keep it real
Challenges are opportunities to develop character
Owe no one anything, except to love one another,
Is it weird that on all the computers at my office, the default screensaver is a picture of the CEO's face, and it cannot be changed?
What are signs that people are not that intelligent?
What's the best example of Reddit not representing reality?
Texas Rep. Dade Phelan just filled a bill to ban political memes.
Just showing my no-spin throwing
Image From American Dad
What age do you feel like you guyshit your physical "Prime"?
It was supposed to be a rest day, but I worked arms instead
I'm about ready to give up on reddit
Challenges are opportunities to strengthen your character
Just getting started !
My family accidentally gave the number for a phone sex line to all my relatives
Where can I find a sub to restore my faith in humanity?
Put God first
Can you do a one-armed pull-up? If so, how did you do it?