What stats should my child have in order to pressure them successfully?
Who is your favorite only child?
How do I get a car with no money?
Most therapists condone people’s bad behavior.
39M recently divorced. Life is good can't complain.
Let’s hear your cats legal name and all of their nick names (w/ pics)
just curious, whats the most kids yall have gotten to
Do evil people know that they’re evil?
People who have DND always on, how do you manage your important phone calls & messages? Like what’s your DND setting & all
Do different races and ethnicities have a different foot scent?
How common was seeing a therapist in the 1960s?
What does it mean when an employer extends your probation period due to mistakes?
Looking for herbal recommendations for hypertension. Any remedies?
Am I going to be covered in cuts for the rest of my life???
If things get bad enough in the US for people to leave, other countries will refuse American refugees.
Can I become a dancer at 22?
Why do you not ascend in BitLife as a royal?
We need a friend update.
Why is having grandchildren so rare?
Is it normal for an office to have a designated insurance specialist?
Why do only children have such a bad reputation?
Is it common to have children in your 40s?
[TOMT] I am looking for a song that goes “love, love,love” repeatedly?
[TOMT] What is a song that has the main lyrics “La La love” repeatedly?
I hate only children.