Pros and Cons of a Dexadin

With todays reveal of the oath of the noble genies Unearthed Arcana I have once again started thinking about playing a Dexadin. Why? I do not know, but its fun to think about it anyway.

So, lets start with the undeniable Pros. Obviously Dex is a Major Saving Throw, while Str is a Minor ST. Additionally Dex D20 tests are much more important than Str. Then there is the Initiative bonus.

Having Dex also has some disadvantages. Your weapon selection is more limited (especially since Divine smite only works on melee weapon attacks), Athletics is a somewhat important stat, you cannot don heavier armors and finally carrying weight (but who plays with carry weight either way?)

I think the noble genies oath significantly boosts Dexadin power. The Genies splendor third level feature allows them to add their Cha to your AC if you're not wearing medium or heavy armor. So at third level, if your Cha and Dex are at 16 (+3), and you're wearing Studded leather your AC is going to be 18 (20 with a shield). If you manage to max out both Dex and Cha your AC is going to be at least 22. This means your AC is going to be equal to plate armor straight from 3rd level and you don't even have disadvantage for stealth.

So all and all, I actually believe that Oath of the noble genies Dexadins are equal in power, if not stronger than regular paladins. What do you guys think?