AITAH for telling my supervisor's sobbing wife to leave the office?
I (29F) recently scored a nice job at a real estate small business. Everyone is very friendly and I like it there a lot. Unfortunately, my supervisor (mid30s?M) is....shall we say "problematic". Let's call him Gene.
I've had several small issues with Gene involving sexist language, particularly about our other pregnent coworker, but that's beside the point. Point being, he's kind of an asshole sometimes.
So yesterday, Gene got some bad news. After very loudly screaming at someone on the phone for over an hour, he goes out into the hallway and tells me and another coworker (also loudly, he is NOT hiding this) that apparently he leant a VERY large sum of money (5 figures) to his dad who told him he would invest it in what was basically a get rich quick scheme. To no one's shock but Gene's, said scheme didn't work out, and now Gene is SIX figures in total debt.
At this point I say "man that sucks!" and go back into my office because I am behind on my work. This is where the sobbing wife comes in.
My office shares a wall with Gene, and the walls there are paper thin. I can hear everything, no matter how quietly people talk. Not that "quiet" meant anything here, as while I was attempting to catch up on work, I start hearing Gene breaking the news that he fucked up to his wife (who also happens to be recently hired by our business, hired by Gene, funny that). The wife is, understandably, audibly upset, and she starts crying.
This makes Gene angry, and he starts yelling at her to suck it up and calm down because "he'll deal with it and she never has any faith in him", which makes her cry harder, and meanwhile I have been staring at a very important email about to be sent for the past 3 minutes, unable to concentrate due to sobbing woman and asshole man.
So I got up and knocked on his door. Opening it revealed a crying woman and Gene, to whom I very quickly rushed out "I'm really sorry, I know you're going through stuff, but can you PLEASE take this somewhere else?"
I was talking directly to Gene, but his wife seemed spooked and a little offended and pissed off. They both quietly skedaddled, and I didn't see her for the rest of the day.
I hold absolutely zero sympathy for Gene - he was an idiot who wasted his money on get rich quick schemes doomed to fail, doing so while knowing he has a wife & two young kids to care for. He's barely been at this job for longer than I have (my real actual boss is a really cool dude), and my overall vibe from Gene is pretty rancid.
TL;DR - I got fed up with hearing my supervisor scream at his distraught wife (over a fuck up HE did) at work, so I told them to take their drama elsewhere. I don't give a fuck about supervisor, but I feel pretty miserable about being short with the wife.