Hello, I am a Muslim American studying the New Testament for the first time. What is the preferred translation/version of the Bible for historical-critical/secular/atheist scholars?

In my area the New Standard Revised edition is most popular, however, I’m not sure if that’s the most historically-accurate Bible. By historically accurate I mean closest to the first appearance of the Bible with as few changes by outside forces as possible (like the Catholic Church).

My approach may be flawed, so feel free to answer my question a different way. I’m just trying to find a version of the Bible historians like. I want to know the truth of the people who came up with the legends of Yeshua. I know there may not be a single consensus answer, so feel free to list pros and cons of different translations if you would be so kind.

By the way, is it true the New Testament was compiled 30 years after Yeshua’s death?