Compensation due to Scarring/Piercing Rejection from Hairdresser

I went to the hairdresser a 2.5 weeks ago and the hairdresser brushed down on my bangs and snagged my eyebrow piercing very hard between the teeth of her comb. This was VERY painful, but I continued on with the appointment, paid full price, and left the salon. Since then, my piercing has been hurting and started to reject out of my skin, leaving behind scarring on my eyebrow. I understand that this was an accident by the hairdresser, but it is not like my piercing was not obvious and she should have taken much more care.

Would it be overkill to ask for compensation, or at least a refund of my appointment? I am very sad about the scarring, pain, and having to take out my piercing and IMO it is ridiculous that I left a hair appointment with scarring on my face.

Thank you!