I never see my anole lol

He always is hiding, to the point that like once a week I go searching and moving stuff just to make sure he's alive. I never see him eat but I can tell he is. I found him this morning with a freshly full tum and by all metrics looks healthy. His enclosure is bioactive with a healthy amount of isopods/snails/slugs, all of his plants are real and there's so many good hiding spots, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised... but like is he hiding from us because he's scared and miserable or is he just doing it in general? This morning I was worried, he was very hard to find and was hanging out at the very bottom, probably eating baby isopods lol. I just never fricken see him. He's only 4 months old, will he get less scared and come out so we can see him more with age? Brown anole, gender still unknown tbh we just say "him"

He always is hiding, to the point that like once a week I go searching and moving stuff just to make sure he's alive. I never see him eat but I can tell he is. I found him this morning with a freshly full tum and by all metrics looks healthy. His enclosure is bioactive with a healthy amount of isopods/snails/slugs, all of his plants are real and there's so many good hiding spots, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised... but like is he hiding from us because he's scared and miserable or is he just doing it in general? This morning I was worried, he was very hard to find and was hanging out at the very bottom, probably eating baby isopods lol. I just never fricken see him. He's only 4 months old, will he get less scared and come out so we can see him more with age? Brown anole, gender still unknown tbh we just say "him"