Avoid < Real Test > Pxo - Griefing/Cross Faction Collusion - Video Proof

Hello today i had the very unfortuante experince to run into a player named PXO i was running though felwood on the way to farm living esscence when i saw toxic horror i wanted to kill then i had thsi warlock banish it for 5 min straight to not let me get the kill, after some time passed i farmed a few more there same thing each time then he deicded to get alliance to come gank me at least 5 times even standing on my location to show them where to aoe to get me out of stealth. they never attacked him once i might have caught it in this video.

i tried to reach out to there guild master which two other members claimed to be to no avail this is perhaps the worse griefing i have ever expereince in my 15 years of wow. ruins the games for other people who don't get much time to farm

Please find video attached