Who else is tired of association of basic rights with "western culture"?
Since the last 2 days i have been seeing a lottt of comments by some men on various subs justifying their agenda in the name of "Indian culture" and anything that's not suiting them is disguised as "western culture". It has caused some brain rot ngl so I just want to say my bit and take a break from this toxicity.
Context: A man justified how a woman should devote her entire life to her marriage as she has lived her life enough before marriage. And he also described basic equality as a woman's demands while a man expecting the same is just "Indian culture".
Let's say a woman marry at 30. Say life extends till 70. So by this logic, "all her life" was just the first 30 years of her life and the rest 40 belong to someone else? The first 30 aren't even completely hers, she barely had ownership of her life for only a few years.
How is not living with her in laws a demand? Is he living with his in laws? That way even she is accepting his demand.
Most of these men actually don't give a fuck about anyone. They just want a wife who works, live with their family, changes her surname, forgets her own family, do all the chores, bears their child, do the chores even while being pregnant (apparently men are staying late at offices to avoid chores and get hot food served to them by their working wife who reaches home by 6) AND they will spew any type of crap to justify their agenda.
I was asked whether I, as a feminist, will be okay if my in laws live nearby. To address this on a broader level:
I won't change my surname, neither will I ask my husband to do so.
My kid will have my surname and his too. If I have two kids, one will have mine and one will his. I don't have a brother, I want my father's name to be carry forward too and I would respect his father's legacy to be included his as well. Or we will find some other middle ground if not this.
I won't live with my in laws, neither he has to live with his. (Emergencies excluded)
I will do chores. He will do chores.
I will work and earn money. He will work and earn money.
I will take care of him. He will take care of me.
I will handle everything when he is sick. He will handle everything when I am sick.
I will meet my parents whenever the fuck i want. He will meet his parents whenever he fuck he wants.
I will not lose my identity just because I have a husband. His entire life will also not revolve around me.
And yes, I am okay with my in laws living nearby. My husband will be okay with my parents living nearby.
I will step up for his family when needed. He will step up for mine when needed.
If my husband is in a genuine crisis, I will even sell my wedding jewelry for him. I am in one, I expect him to support me in a similar spirit.
Most importantly, I will keep his happiness as my highest priority. He will keep mine as his highest priority. We both won't assume that the other person is okay just because it's suiting our personal agenda.
And no, it's not "western culture". It's basic respect, dignity and love, in their truest meaning. These men who are that bothered by western culture, wear dhoti to your office. Only do the work that was assigned to you as per your caste. Why do they work for foreign companies if they are so concerned about our Indian culture? Why do they contribute to their economy? They could uplift some underprivileged kid here instead by working in some NGO or work for a homegrown company. Don't drive cars since cars support consumerism and capitalism, both western concepts.
The husband doesn't "allow" anyone anything. Neither does the wife. But apparently no amount of awareness can change their mindset because they are too entitled to give up the privileges patriarchy hands to them on a platter for the woman they "love" and will be the mother of the child. I already feel sorry for these women.
Oh by the way, that guy even told a woman that 5 months is a long time to open up sexually in an arranged marriage because the husband can assume she is cheating or is a lesbian. He is proud of his friends who got their wives pregnant in the honeymoon (I don't even want to comment on this).
My trigger is not based on his opinion alone, a lot of men actually come from this school of thought.