Why are women expected to make so many sacrifices after marriage?
- Pay dowry and the wedding expenses
- Move to the guy's city leaving behind your family, friends, hometown, job etc
- Live with his parents and adjust with them
- Follow their rituals and traditions forget your own
- Change your surname to his
- Cook, clean, look after the kids and in laws while also working outside the house only if allowed
- The kids will get his surname, caste, religion, culture etc. Inter caste or inter faith marriages aren't any less patriarchal.
- Prioritise your husband's career over your own which means reject promotions if it hurts his ego and move along wherever he's posted or gets a better job but don't expect the same from him
- You are supposed to celebrate festivals with your in-laws only
- Wear marital symbols like sindoor, mangalsutra, chooda, bichiya, shankha pola etc to show you're married
- You need permission to visit your own parents or even for taking care of them financially