Cancelled my elective induction
I was set to be induced yesterday at 39+5, totally elective, for my fourth baby. My baby is measuring a little big and I was just eager to meet him. But truly I didn’t think I would make it to that point in pregnancy since it’s my fourth and my other two boys (similar in large size) came before that.
Well yesterday came.. I couldn’t sleep at ALL the night before - was up crying, hyperventilating, and so anxious. I was praying for a clear sign of what to do. We checked into the hospital and I was sitting in the delivery room waiting for them to start pitocin and this very experienced midwife comes in, looks at me, and immediately says “why are you here? You don’t need to be here.”
Ugh such a relief. Everyone was pressuring me to get it over with and not really considering that elective induction, although it’s a GREAT option, wasn’t what I truly wanted. She could see it on my face immediately. She stripped my membranes and sent me home. 🤞
Hoping he comes on his own soon… I have another induction scheduled once I’m past my due date but I am so relieved and excited to go into labor on my own before then! I’m doing lots of curb walking this weekend! Due date is tomorrow.