Pregnant with epilepsy

EDIT: I just want to say I’ve been moved to tears in the best way possible reading all of your comments and experiences. Thank you all ❤️ I love my baby so much already so I just want to do what’s best 🥹

I guess this is just a vent. I’m a FTM, 36w5d and am going to be induced on Sunday. I met with my neurologist today and honestly her medical advice, while I understand it completely, kind of shattered me and I cried after the appointment. Long story short, she doesn’t want me walking the baby alone, washing the baby alone, instead of all breastfeeding she wants a combo of bottle and breast so that I can sleep in at least one 4 hour chunk per night (the rest can be broken up), she doesn’t want me to even change the baby alone unless I sit on the floor to do it. It just makes me feel so useless. My sweetheart fiancé has been comforting me saying it’s all gonna be okay and that he’s here for me and our baby, but I have this guilt and sadness that I’m feeling and I can’t even articulate why.

Are there any other mothers with epilepsy out there could share their experience or give me advice? 😭