Would you buy $50k at once or DCA it?

So l have a friend going away to federal prison for around 10 years (two weeks from now) and I told him I would ask the Reddit Bitcoin community for advice on a BTC investment. He has $50k to invest and wants to put it in Bitcoin, he uses Strike to buy currently. He was debating either buying $50k right now or setting up a daily purchase of $137 for a year with auto withdraw to his cold wallet after every .01 BTC accumulated in Strike. Which would be better do you think? He was also contemplating if a weekly or monthly purchase might be better and his concern of course is that he won't have eyes on any of it so it won't be able to be adjusted or anything like that if things dramatically change with prices whether up or down. I realize it would mostly be opinion/speculation on when cost may go down but I wanted to share others' thoughts with him nonetheless. Thanks!