Kenji Hypercharge Concept (Details in Description)

I love Kenji and haven't seen much hype or idea around his Hypercharge. So if no one is making one i made one. He will charge this Hypercharge in 2.8 supers or (9 Big Slashes or 14 Dashes (estimate, I'm not that good with brawl maths)). I had this idea even before grom Hypercharge was announced (believe me or not) just didn't make it in this detail, so now it's unoriginal lol, but this is the only one i could think of that fits his cool aesthetic like a finishing circle slash that looks cool is all i could ask for i love slashes mechanism and i expanded on that, this Hypercharge covers his mistakes in case you miss. I gave him +20% stats on both damage and speed cuz he will be UNSTOPPABLE if i have gave him anything higher. Let me know what y'all think is it too weak, too "unoriginal", too broken or anything y'all wanna say about it. Second slide is just the demonstration on show the super may look with the skin. And the RED CIRCLES are area of effect of secondary circle slashes. (BTW if you somehow get hit by all 4 slices You will get 12,480 dealt (without damage gear) but in theory most Brawler Won't survive more than 3 hits anyway.