Forcing Ukraine into a peace agreement without security guarantees isn’t peace it’s just a 5 to 10 year truce.

Until Ukraine effectively has Security guarantees which Russia never offered in those “ Peace Deals” that people claim would easily of stopped the war. If you want to have that argument, you need to also acknowledge that Russia has constantly broken ceasefires. And does it immediately after signing a deal. This dosen’t even start in Ukraine.

In Georgia in 2008 as part of the ceasefire deal. These regions were essentially suppose remain de facto independent and Russia was suppose to pull its troops out. They didn’t even though it was a big stipulation they instantly broke the deal.

They were literally in a military alliance with Armenia and while technically the region of Artsakh wasn’t apart of Armenia. Russia can argue the alliance agreement didn’t count toward that area. However afterward Azerbaijan has effectively occupied large parts of Armenia and keeps doing it with Armenia calling for a Russian intervention off those lands. Without Russia doing nothing.

Funny enough the war in Donbass is literally why Ukraine is so skeptical of the Russians. They flat out signed a deal and then did absolutely nothing to implement it. I even remember the Young Turks looking so stupid when the second ceasefire deal was signed and literly the same day the “ Separatist” who like 30% of its fighters were literally just Russian regulars and volunteers. Launched an all out attack until they captured what they wanted to capture and then cried ceasefire violations when Ukraine continued to shell them.

Russia has done this for years make a ceasefire deal do nothing to implement it or even launch an all out attack and then just say the other side is violating it too.

I say all of this cause all the people who are saying “CAN WE AT LEAST TRY SOME KIND OF CEASEFIRE.” Acting like there wasn’t a war in 2014 that was started by Russian forces not even by locals. And during this war russia would sign a deal then launch an attack. Russia didn’t even acknowledge it had regulars.

What’s funny is Russia didn’t even try to negotiate so all the people saying we should have tried to work something out before hand are just retconning . Zelensky told Scholz that making some kind of public statement or written on paper “ We won’t join NATO” seems pointless as they were already effectively neutral since 2014 and tried was even open to this idea but not without secuity guarantee. There was no moves to joining NATO. The last countries added to NATO that bordered Russia was in 2004. 18 years before the war began. It wasn’t until Russia invaded did Finland Join. It was Preety obvious that starting the war would drive Finland and Sweden to NATO. Is NATO really the actualy reason?

You know how I know the 2022 deal was never going to work? Because Ukraine agrees to demilitarize its army to 250k troops and limit its missles and heavy weapons. Russia wanted 100k and wanted to be able to stack up on Ukraines borders when ever it felt like lol. Ukraine promised to be neutral but wanted guarantees. The Ukranians really did offer a bunch of concessions. Putin only wants Maximum concessions but dosen’t have the battlefield gains to back that up. In all of the negotiations Russia only pushed not for peace but to guarantee he wins the next war and to have a legal document he can point too, when he stacks up on those borders again and Ukraine tries to mobilize breaking the agreement.