Get your FMS SoP Reviewed For Free!

With FMS Delhi opening up its applications for the MBA Co'27, we are here to help you! We have reviewed ~480 SoPs in the last 2 years, and we will be happy to review your SoP as well. And, no charges at all. :)

ust head over here, and share your SoP!

Folks, please DM on Instagram, and not here in comments, or in the Reddit DMs. It becomes really difficult to type out the feedback - voice notes are better for this.

Also, please allow some time for me to get back with the reviews. Some of you are really impatient - please understand that I have a full-time job, and I am taking out time for this after that. I get it that you want to get done with the SoP piece, but I have reviewed 400+ SoPs here till now. I will respond to every one, just have patience.