Y’all FOUGHT for this

Our pharmacists stay in the pharmacy during lunch. They choose to get caught up on QT or phone calls. They can also choose to leave, which they rarely do.

We have a few techs that work through lunch - meal waivers and/or short shifts w/o a break.

The policy is no pickup, drop off, or drive thru during lunch. But today our PIC left the gate up and kept pick up open. Would not cut off the line at 1:30, and they’re still open at 1:50. WTF

If I report it, they will know it’s me. Is this even something I can report? No one is being denied their break, but it is operating out of pharmacy hours.

I’m also infuriated because, like stray animals, if you feed them once, they’ll keep coming back. And they’ll just get bolder.