Non Catholic wife contraception
Hello, I want some advise who to go on.
My wife and I got 2 children. She does not want any more children, because at the last one we had massive problems, it’s understandable. She want to get an IUD, I am obviously against it and said we can use NFP, which she does not agree on.
Fast forward to today, she got an appointment with the GP to talk about options of contraception, I am not happy she got a conversation about this topic but can’t do anything.
She now just let me know she also got the IUD placed in. She called me to let me know I told her I’m against it but it will be ultimately her decision.
She is an active Mormon, although was catholic raised.
I don’t really know who to proceed. I can’t force me faith on her, and I don’t want it either. But I feel I can chose to either sin by having Sex with contraception or sin by refusing sex to my spouse.
I feel upset about it, but as said it’s her choice in the end, she don’t believe contraception is wrong and I should not Force my view on her, but also I should uphold church teachings.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Edit: thank you for the many helpful answers, I think I got my answer.
Not thank you for the nasty and sarcastic comments was why I married a Mormon, guess those people suggested that I just return to my old Mormon faith to avoid this conflict. Thanks …