My grandma never refrigerates anything she is going to cook.
My grandma is a decent cook don’t get me wrong. But I noticed since she started cooking all of our meals, I’ve had food poisoning 4 times this year. I started paying more attention to she will soak meat in milk which is normal sure. But what she does is she puts meat in a container with milk and leaves it out on the counter all day. Sometimes up to two days! She thaws meat like this too. Just leaves it on the counter all day. Not even in water sometimes just on the counter. She said “it cooks evenly at room temp”. She also uses left overs from like weeks ago. She cooked a meal that was pretty good but made me sick. And I found out she used left overs to cook it. Left overs from over two weeks ago! And she NEVER gets sick. Has she just been doing this so long her stomach has turned to stone?!