Starfire's Bratty Daughter
I thought it'd be fun to review "I am not Starfire" there will be spoilers but I don't think most of you are very eager to read it if you haven't already.
The characters aren't very interesting or compelling, Mandy is mean and rude and pretty disrespectful to the people around her. Lincoln is an alright best friend character, he doesn't contribute much to the story overall but he's harmless. Good luck in college man and with... destroying the system. As for Claire, I'll give her this, I like the subversion that she's kind despite being a popular girl. She's too good for her friends and Mandy honestly, Starfire is the closest to an endearing character. I liked that part where asks Mandy if she has her top three colleges in mind because she's a senior in high school I believe, Mandy says she doesn't know and Starfire then asks if she has a top five or six. I don't know I just thought it was sweet. She seems like a good parent other than the fact that she spoiled Mandy, which seems like something that could happen if she was a single mother. She's out of character when she tells Mandy that she fled to Earth after Blackfire conquered Tamaran. She wouldn't just leave her people to be enslaved and oppressed by a tyrant, Starfire has never been one to run from her problems to my understanding so that part doesn't feel right to me. Blackfire could've been a fun antagonist but the problem with her is that she has the most generic villain dialogue ever, even the TTG Blackfire was better than her. "I wish I didn't have a sister" is way more harsh and painful than anything she says in this comic. I also don't like how the story says that Blackfire might be more powerful than Starfire, kinda dismisses all the times she's defeated her in other pieces of media. Also Mandy was able to beat her as soon as she got her powers when Starfire's been fighting crime for years at this point. The dumbest plotline has gotta be the selfie drama, basically Claire went to Mandy's house to work on a project and then met the other titans and took a photo with them. Mandy got super mad and believed this meant that she was just using her this whole time. Claire was just supposed to read Mandy's mind and know ahead of time that superhero stuff is a sensitive subject for her. It's weird how she's supposed to be in the wrong for doing something any normal person would do, even someone who doesn't like superheroes would freak out if they ran into some when visiting a friend's house. It's supposed to be a moment where she broke Mandy's trust but it really just makes it seem like Mandy has trust issues. She thinks nobody cares about her as a person except for Lincoln. The comic isn't all bad, I kinda like the way the final battle looks even if it's flawed narratively. Also where was Silky? You know Starfire's pet? Does he not live with her and Mandy? Did he pass away before the events of the story? R.I.P. Silky. Generally the comic isn't great, I'm not against the idea of Starfire having a daughter who's her polar opposite. I remember having a super old story where Raven had a daughter named Willow, she was optimistic and bubbly. The opposites thing isn't a bad idea the problem is that Mandy needed to be more likable than this.