My dermatologist actually fixed it
So I went to the dermatologist last month for a full body scan (lots of moles) and as she was checking my scalp, she found my most frequently picked spot. She was SO compassionate, like I have always been terrified of judgement for this problem, and she said “oh that’s so hard to stop! You’re not alone, it’s very common” she asked me if I wanted her to inject the spot to flatten the bump and stop the itch, I was like, you can do that?? And she said it’s her first recommendation for skin picking that involves raised bumps. Had no idea, so I wanted to share with you all in case there are people like me, who are afraid of getting scolded by the dermatologist like I was.
Anyways, a month later and it’s completely flat! I didn’t even stop touching the bump after, because it’s a really difficult thing to just stop. But there is nothing there, it’s like a miracle.