Is this show ever going anywhere?

Seriously we're on the 3rd season I feel like I've watched a whole lot of nothing. This is by far the most frustrating show I've ever watched.

Why doesn't the plot ever really go anywhere? Why are the actors always avoiding conversations and stalling? The acting in this show (or maybe it's the writing) is so unbelievably frustrating.

After the season 1 finale I thought to my self "ok season 2 is going to be really good and lead to something" but here we are in season 3 and I feel like I still don't know anything.

I really am starting to feel like there might be nothing really planned out for the plot and the writers are just stalling to get us to watch more episodes.

When is this show going to get into the interesting stuff? The show is giving me soap opera vibes with all the side stuff happening that seemingly has nothing to do with the plot.