AusilMV seems to debunk a lot of the claims regarding Player First Games’ Tony Huynh following MultiVersus’ shut down: “—this is just not true.”

A lot of (negative) information surrounding Tony has been released recently, but this is just not true. Please do not use the shutdown as a reason to act as a source and/or spread *false information*”

This comes after several random sources claimed to have info regarding the actions of Huynh, and the overall management of PFG. Several leaks followed the game’s shut down announcement, including a supposed-list of planned/finished characters that will never see the light of day (which I’ll also link below, albeit it was contested to be fake by various sources), and various stories regarding his workplace behavior and personal biases towards certain characters.

I’ll also link the big post from yesterday which claimed to know a lot of info about Tony from various sources

EDIT: Ajax has also addressed these allegations: