People worship long hour study too much

It seems like most learner equate more hours —> more things done while ignoring things that really affect their productivity:

1/ Technique: Everyone response well to a group of technique, doing what others do without knowing why put you in a disadvantage

2/ Sleep: you can sit at your desk 24 hours a day but you won’t remember anything next week because your brain is fried

3/ Social life, hobbies, ect. things that improves your mental health: Having anxiety, depression sucks you can’t focus, can’t sleep , can’t eat and can’t study.

The worse thing, I see most people think that if they can just grind more their life would just gonna have a happy ending ( get into uni, get their dream job). In reality, people are just as stressed if not even more when they encounter more deadlines, more things to study.

BTW I’m a med student so don’t say I just have it way easier

Edit: For people who’s studying hard to achieve your dreams , you won’t feel more fulfilled long term once you reach that goal. It’s fine to be stressed for a short while like before test, but don’t fill your life with stress thinking future you would be happier, don’t do it to make someone happier, the bar just gets higher once you reach it. Live your life now. Take care ❤️