Hashimoto's has ruined my life.
I'm 18 years old and male, and it seems like my health issues run in the family. This has really messed up my plans because I was hoping to join the army, but that's not going to happen now. I've also gained a lot of weight, and I've noticed dry patches on my hands and ankles. If I don’t take my medication, I end up feeling very down. I really wish there was a cure for what I'm dealing with, but it looks like there isn't one available. My levels are stable right now, but I just don't want to rely on a pill for the rest of my life. also can i realy die if i dont take the med my mom said i could.
- 18-year-old male with family health issues. - Plans to join the army have been affected by health problems. - Experienced weight gain and dry patches on hands and ankles. - Feels down without medication. - Wishes for a cure but knows none is available. - Levels are currently stable, but concerned about long-term reliance on medication. - Inquiring about the dangers of not taking medication, as suggested by mom.