What’s your favorite stupid detail/plot hole?
A lot of people might say how the eclipses were showing totality to the entire world, or Caitlin getting left in a doomed timeline. Personally, my “favorite” is when Angela just gaslights Peter and claims that major depressive disorder is when you have delusions of grandeur that then tell you to shuffle yourself off this mortal coil. Peter’s a NURSE, he GRADUATED MED SCHOOL. He had to have learned that MDD is defined by the DSM-IV (the one he would’ve learned) as “Depressed mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in life activities for at least 2 weeks and at least five of the following symptoms that cause clinically significant impairment in social, work, or other important areas of functioning almost every day.” No delusions, especially NOT delusions of grandeur! A depressed brain wouldn’t “trick” a person into ending their life like Angela describes! Peter should’ve known this, but then again… he is the same goofy goober who looked at what Mohinder specified was a partial solar eclipse with only sunglasses for protection. Y’know, partial eclipses, the ones known for being unsafe to look at without the specific eye protection because you can only look at totality unprotected. So he’s also just kind of an idiot (I love this moron with all my heart)