44 IB Points - Cambridge Engineering

Hey everyone,

I’ve done an open application to Cambridge for Engineering, with a predicted 44/45 points. The only point I’m missing is my 6 in Math AA HL.

Assuming I have a very good personal statement and reference letter, and I didn’t do too shit in the ESAT compared to others (I did it the 16th and we all know how that went), what are my chances of getting an interview at least?

I’m well above the minimum offer of 41, so I wonder if the other parts of my application can compensate for my 6 in Math.

Also, my school is doing mock exams in January: if I were to get a 7 by then, is there any way to advise Cambridge my predicted has changed (if I haven’t been rejected by then?).

TLDR: 6 in AA HL, chat am I cooked?