Am i wrong for throwing?

I was playing gwen jungle vs vi, my team were all pushed up most of laning phase so I couldn't gank, vi didnt gank either even though she had 3 lanes basically under their tower. no one says anything until ofcourse our botlane who was still pushed up finally gets ganked by vi level 6, no wards by the way too and dies. instantly i'm called shit and flamed, whatever i go top, enemy kayle is on our side so its easy gank, sett misses everything, i get her summs and she gets away. My top laner starts calling me useless and trash, mid then joins in calling me useless and saying i wasn't ganking "all game" even though they were pushed up. So i had enough and perma farmed and watched them die over and over while emoting while they kept pinging and flaming me. I probably couldve turned the game around because i was ahead in farm but i chose not to because the entire team was hard flaming but i don't care about my LP because LoL isn't my whole life. One of them even added me later and told me to off myself and hoped my myself and my family die in a car crash which was pretty funny.