paypal scam.
My account was limited for 180 days and it had 800 usd balance. The limitations period expired on Wednesday. I called the paypal service number to assist me with the mpesa widthrawals but it was successful. Later that day, I contacted my university friend to help me out with the withdrawals, I shared the logins credentials with him and left him to give a trial.
An hour later, my paypal ballance was zero, my friend contacted me and said he did not make any widthrawals. I tried navigating in my paypal account to get more details, the money was redirected to equity bank. And the only equity bank linked to my account are my personal equity credentials. But now it's passed 36 hours and I have not received any money in my equity bank account.
I called the bank yesterday for a follow up, and told me to contact them today if the money does not reflect by today.
Is it possible that I was scammed? Can someone link a different bank credentials to my paypal account and send payment to their bank? Any help? Advice.