How does Trump being the US President affect you as a Kenyan ?

So ARVs/TB drugs aren’t free because the government loves us it’s because they are donations and US is among our major donors so yeah shortages in ARVs will probably happen especially with PEPFAR Funding Halt( this simply means the orange dude has ordered an immediate stop to the supply of lifesaving drugs for malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis ) We have other donors BUT them change will definitely be felt .

You are probably wondering how tf is that my problem ? The U.S. withdrawal from the WHO may disrupt vaccine distribution efforts in Kenya.So yeah you will probably struggle to get your nephew a basic BCG vaccine in future ?

Hopefully the US will honor their pledges so that we don’t have to struggle but considering how much Trump anatupenda vyenye Ruto anatupenda mmh i can smell the love mixed with some teargas/abuductions and deportation just how i like it 💕.

Also if you know how else we will be affected please share ?