Has anyone passed their test without checking blindspots while moving?
I have my test soon and my instructor has told me not to worry about blindspot checks unless I am stationary at the time. So changing lanes, exiting a roundabout, or turning at a junction I can rely on mirrors alone. Their logic is that blindspot checks take your eye off the road, and that examiners won’t penalise for this unless you forget to check while stationary, so for the exam it is better not to worry. So far I have always been checking blindspots but I will usually do my blindspot check right before my manoeuvre and my friends told me I need to check prior to signalling. It’s therefore not muscle memory for me yet. I am worried that I will fail because of this, which is probably irrational given my instructor’s experience of more than a decade. I’d appreciate any input from people who had similar advice and whether you got any faults for omitting it in your test. Thank you 🙏