Longreads Greatest Hits - Google Sheet


For years now, I've kept a spreadsheet of all of the longform articles I read online. A few years ago I made a splinter sheet with just my favorites to pass along to some friends. I've been getting good stories from this subreddit the last couple of weeks so figured I would share it with you all as well! Like I said, hasn't been updated in quite a while but I think most of the entries are fairly timeless. A few favorites to help narrow it down:
The Miranda Obsession
They had $19 million, a deal with Disney, and dreams of becoming the next Ben & Jerry’s. Then everything fell apart.
Buc-ee’s: The Path to World Domination

The Great Rikers Island Art Heist
This Man Does Not Make Poppers

We Could Have Had Electric Cars from the Very Beginning

He Helped Build an Artists’ Utopia. Now He Faces Trial for 36 Deaths There.

On the Trail of New York’s Nutcracker Kings