Was having fun until sunless skein

I have been really enjoying this game for the most part. Just my opinion, but it's definitely not from software caliber, but it's well worth playing as a big fan of the genre. However, as I'm wandering around the sunless skiing right now, lost and dying over and over again to very spongy enemies, there just isn't any fun in it. I don't expect to feel like I accomplish something great when I finally get through here, just relief and irritation at this part of the game. Unlike Superior games in this genre, this game is only getting harder and I don't have the accompanying feeling of also getting stronger as I progress. Enemies just seem to be getting spongier, and the game seems to be becoming more imbalanced against me. How much of this is just me not playing the game right, and how much is just kind of the game? I'll probably just hang it up if the trend continues. Only paid 28 bucks for this game and played it for quite a few hours.