Best meshuggah songs for a spinning class?
I attend a spinning class once to twice a week and I would like to send the coach a couple suggestions in order to mix it up a bit.
If you don't know what a spinning class is, it's a high intensity interval workout done on an indoor bike. You pedal on the rhythm of the music and use different positions on the bike and different resistance settings.
The music the coaches uses is for the most part good, but there are some songs I can't hear anymore!
Any idea what Meshug tunes I could suggest? It needs to have a clear, fast-paced rhythm on which you can pedal left-right easily*, but it can vary throughout the song. (*easily not as in pedalling is easy, but as in finding the pulse is).
A couple ideas :
The Demon's Name
Rtional Gaze
I'd like to do Bleed but I don't think anybody would survive
Our Rage Won't Die
New Millenium
Abysmal Eye