The Atheist's Prayer
if darkness comes unbidden \ and fancies itself profound \ if I reach for what's rescinded \ and take what's not allowed \ should I not be brought to ground?\ who am I to be unbound?\ \ what is there in me to trust?\ what have I to give? \ what in me merits love? \ do I deserve to live?\ what good works can I avow? \ who am I to be unbound?\ \ where now is the magic charm \ to wither up my traitor hands \ to take from me the art of harm\ to banish me to empty lands \ to mute my lying tongue its sound?\ who am I to be unbound? \ \ should I not then just despair? \ should I not be driven down? \ if I am broken past repair \ with no redemption to be found \ should I not be made to bow? \ oh, who am I to be unbound?