Can't decide: S2 Custom 24 or CE 24?
Hi everybody! I am struggling a lot deciding whether to go for a S2 Custom 24 or a CE 24. I know that you might say that I have to try them and find which feels better for me. However, there are no PRS guitars sold in my town. I live in Mexico and the closest town that officially sells PRS guitars is a 2-hour flight from here. So I can only go with what I see in videos. I did test a S2 custom 24 in a recent trip to the USA and loved it, but did not test a CE24.
I like to play alternative rock, hard rock and some metal. I also love to screw around playing melodies with triads with the D-G-B strings (still kind of a beginner on the musical theory end, had been playing guitar for years but never properly learned theory, only learned songs, working on fixing that).
I want a guitar that can sound good on cleans and when I go heavy (love drop-d tuning) I can rock chords and hear all the strings clearly but the sound is heavy enough that people can unconsciously headbang when hearing some chunky riffs.
If you were in my shoes, what guitar would you go for?