Is it just my pharmacy, or are most customers usually so reluctant to go over to drop off?

Ah register duty....a necessary, but stressful part of being a pharmacy tech. The hardest part is honestly explaining to a customer they need to head over to drop off when you're hit with a HLD, QT, MC, RRA, or something along those status'. They hit you with a dumbfounded look, even will ask in a snobby voice "........What am I dropping off?" or "Problem? What problem? It's a box! All you gotta do is slap a label on it, what issue could there possibly be?!". GO TO DROP OFF AND FIND OUT! It gets even more frustrating when they're basically giving you their life story, how their wife works with united healthcare, even manage to slide in a misogynistic comment towards me for.....whatever reason, as if it'll solve their insurance problem. 1) I don't care if your Jesus Christ 2) Even the stuff that is remotely related to your script, I can't help you at register. You! Have! To! Go! To! Drop! Off! Once again You! Have! To! Go! To! Drop! Off! Tell what you are telling me to someone that can actually pull up your profile!

I really don't think I need to explain that this is a register, not a computer. I cannot pull up their profile and see what caused this blip with filling their scripts. And when I do explain this, they look....scared? as if I'm pointing a knife to them when I say the words "Look at your profile" or "Problem with your meds". You have to word yourself extremely carefully with these people. Instead of going to drop off and trying to actually solve the problem, they think berating the tech at register will get the job down much faster + easier. I really don't get why even the nicest customers' attitudes do a 180 as soon as I say "For the Lipitor, it seems that it's not ready, due to a certain issue. I can't check here, so I'm going to have you go to drop off," and suddenly they're complaining to the pharmacist that "Can I get a cashier that actually knows what they're doing?!"

Go to drop off when told to. Go to drop off when told to. Go to drop off when told you. I promise you. Life will be so much easier if you just head over to drop off than questioning why the 'useless, stupid' tech is sending you to this unknown land of terror (literally 10 feet to your right)