[S2] I'm trying to compile all anonymous inbox/gallery items
A few days ago I made a post asking if there is a wiki/database/guide for TDL2 anonymous pic drops and heart messages. I didn't get many responses on that post so I decided to try guessing and compile them here! I have yet to actually finish any endings (i keep failing... lol) but I'm very curious who sent what gifts/photodrops
I also include some other unlockable items that aren't anonymous (like the weather-based dates for example) for documentation :)
Anyways it's still pretty empty at the moment so I welcome any input and discussion - be it corrections, your own additions, guesses, or counter-guesses. Thank you!
Here are the imgur albums of my unlocked anonymous inbox items, if anyone needs them for verification purposes etc:
- day 1 to 10 https://imgur.com/a/RR62wz0
- day 11 to 20 https://imgur.com/a/92vtDnO
- day 21 to 27 https://imgur.com/a/NST6Nqv
(also if there's a KR picka wiki or something that has this compiled please drop the link... maybe mtl-ing them is easier lol)
EDIT: Thank you everyone for helping me fill this out❤️ It's mostly completed but there are some things that I'm still unsure with. And if there's something you disagree with, please don't be shy about it!! also lmk if that kr picka wiki of my dreams actually exists lol more community resources is always nice :)
- plane ticket1 --> elliot
- plane ticket2 --> hajin
- plane ticket3 --> daniel
- heart msg 1 --> elliot
- heart msg 2 --> daniel
- message drop --> hazel
- message drop --> daniel?
- first gift --> daniel
- weather-based dates and how to get them:
Weather | 1 | 2 | 3 |
clear | elliot (dessert) | alone? (music fest got cancelled) | hajin (trail) |
rainy | doah + hazel (dessert fair) | hajin (music fest) | daniel (trail) |
windy | hajin (dessert) | elliot (music fest) | alone? (clean olle trail gets cancelled) |
sidenote: i might mixup the photo numbers as i haven't unlocked all of them myself (thank you /u/Exotic_Abrocoma_7468!) so if you find any please lmk!
- return 1 ticket --> alone/didn't meet anyone
- return 2 ticket --> elliot
- return 3 ticket --> daniel (00 - 06 KST)
- return 3 activity --> daniel
- return 4 ticket --> hajin
- return 4 activity --> green tea festival
- hint --> probably the timezone schedule from choly?
- message drop --> Elliott (same font as his behind the scene ending pic)
- heart msg 1 --> elliot
- heart msg 2 --> daniel
- feed --> ?
- message drop --> nakyung?? doah??
- message drop --> jaekyeom?
- feed 1 --> elliot date (watergun)
- feed 2 --> elliot water gun date (but hajin and hazel didn't go on a date)
- feed 3 --> hajin date
- heart msg 1 --> elliot (via Pineapplebunnn)
- heart msg 2 --> hajin (via /u/Pineapplebunnn again. thank you!)
- message drop --> nakyung
- message drop --> ?? maybe daniel? elliot?
- second gift 1 --> elliot
- second gift 2 --> jaekyeom
- message drop --> hajin (via MagentaMayhem)
Day16: color date
- feed1 --> hajin date
- feed2 --> jaekyeom date
- feed3-1 -->danny + nakyung's date was cancelled
- feed3-2 --> doah + jaekyeom date
- feed3-3 --> hazel + elliot date
- feed3-4 --> doah + hajin date
- message drop --> Elliott (same font as day5 message drop)
- feed1 --> elliot
- feed2 --> daniel
- feed3 --> hajin
- feed4 --> jaekyeom
- heart msg 1 --> hajin
- heart msg 2 --> jaekyeom
- heart msg 3 --> elliot
- heart msg 4 --> danny
- message drop --> nakyung? doah?
- third gift1 --> hajin
- third gift 2 --> jaekyeom
- third gift 3 --> elliot
- third gift 4 --> daniel
- message drop --> same font as day3 msg drop. daniel?
- message drop --> nakyung
- message drop --> jaekyeom? same font/similar font as day9 msg drop
- image --> ?
- daily roll1 --> with elliot
- daily roll2 --> danny
- daily roll3 --> hajin
- daily roll4 --> jaekyeom
- daily roll5 --> elliot
- daily roll6 --> danny
- daily roll7 --> hajin
- daily roll8 --> jaekyeom
- message drop --> maybe hazel...? same font as day2 msg drop
- message drop --> hajin (via MagentaMayhem)
- heart msg1 --> hajin
- heart msg2 --> jaekyeom
- heart msg3 --> elliot
- heart msg4 --> daniel! (thank you /u/OkEar5306!)
- message drop --> ?