Are the unrealised profits always only tied to start price

Here is a bot I started since a while. As you see it did gain a lot in grid profits but the unrealized profits are also huge. And, I don't know if i'm mistaken but the more my grid profits grow the more the unrealized profits grow too, I know that part of them is the cost of operating the bot that's a mere 10$.

So my question is, will unrealized profits continue to grow and make me globally 'in the red' as long as the current ETH price is less than my start price (3600) or if I wait long enough I will be able to have grid profits that will surpass unrealized profits even if ETH never reaches 3600 again ?

Here is a bot I started since a while. As you see it did gain a lot in grid profits but the unrealized profits are also huge. And, I don't know if i'm mistaken but the more my grid profits grow the more the unrealized profits grow too, I know that part of them is the cost of operating the bot that's a mere 10$.

So my question is, will unrealized profits continue to grow and make me globally 'in the red' as long as the current ETH price is less than my start price (3600) or if I wait long enough I will be able to have grid profits that will surpass unrealized profits even if ETH never reaches 3600 again ?