Poor long term rhinoplasty results
I’m sharing my story as a warning to anyone considering a rhinoplasty.
Do yourself a favor and go to a double board certified plastic surgeon and ENT. That’s not to say that will guarantee you good results, but that should be the bare minimum.
Do not cheap out. This is your face. This is your breathing. Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex plastic surgeries. These surgeries come with risks, complications, and imperfect results.
My surgery was performed about ten years ago in Newport Beach, CA by Dr. Larry Nichter. I was a teenager when I got the surgery.
Immediately after, I was actually happy with my results, despite my uneven nostrils which the doctor brushed off as no big deal. But my results did not hold up even a year.
I developed a drooping rounded tip, inverted V deformity, dynamic nasil collapse. Being that I was so young, I did not know how to express my discontent. So I buried it for years, although I only posed for photos from one angle. I was in denial for years about my nose.
Next month, I am scheduled for a revision with a rhinoplasty expert. I did not have a deviated septum originally… and now I am having a revision septorhinoplasty.
Photos 1. Pre Op 2. Immediately post op 3. Current 4. Current 5. Pre Op 6. Currrent 7. Current 8. Current