Portraits and photos of presidents exercising their Second Amendment rights of using guns .
1- Washington ( Pretty sure that’s a rifle on his shoulder) 2- Jackson dueling Charles Dickinson 3- Abraham Lincoln testing a repeater 4- Grover Cleveland hunting 5 - Theodore Roosevelt being the badass he is 6 - William Howard Taft 7- Calvin Coolidge 8- POV : You told Franklin Roosevelt something bad about Fala 9- Harry Truman 10 - Dwight D Eisenhower when he finds a squirrel in The White House 11 - JFK 12 - LBJ ( surprised to know this photo exists , this is for flyer about registering guns ) 13 - No idea if this is a real photo of Nixon or if it’s just photoshopped 14 - Gerald Ford receiving a rifle as a gift 15 - Jimmy Carter ( my favorite photo of the bunch) 16 - Ronald Reagan killing communism pictured 17 - George H W Bush hunting 18 - Bill Clinton 19 - George W Bush with trigger discipline, unlike Vice President Dick Cheney 20 - Barack Obama being cool .