I haven't done mushrooms in almost 2 years, but I still believe that the entities I encountered were real. Does anybody else feel this way?

Every time I ask the question of if people think that these entities are real or not, most people say no. Which is understandable. But I have a hard time believing that they were just a figment of my imagination. They've told me things that have changed my life. One time they saved my life. I've spoken about it before on here.

I'm a sober person. I work everyday just like everyone else. I'm not crazy or mentally challenged in any type of way. I don't drink or smoke. And I haven't had a psychedelic experience in a long time. And yet I still believe that these entities are real. I believe that they exist in their own realm. I believe that psychedelics enables us to SEE more than we normally do. I don't believe that the human 5 senses can detect ALL of reality. So in a way psychedelics ENHANCE our ability to perceive of reality. Does anyone else feel this way?

Edit: They literally saved my life. Told me to leave a place where robbers were about to jack me. It was fucked up because they were my own family members. I had no idea. But I listened and I left. The entities also told me to stay away from my family. A year later those family members told people that they were going to rob me. This is why I can't dismiss these entities as being "just in my head." That shit traumatized me. I disowned my family because of that. The entities that spoke to me during that trip saved me.