Dancing with Qubits- Second Edition by Robert Sutor (New Release)

Hi all,
The book: Dancing with Qubit - Second Edition, by Robert Sutor is now released.
I want to thank you all for showing such a great support on my previous post about the book: https://www.reddit.com/r/QuantumComputing/comments/193xav6/free_review_copies_of_dancing_with_qubits_second/

As the book is now released, I would like to request the community to show the same support and share it with the other quantum people and let us help Quantum Computing community to grow. And those have read the book, please share your review and help people to make a wise choice.
Book release post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/denim-pinto-5318aa79_quantumcomputing-easterweek-newrelease-activity-7181580583574130691-g4JI?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
