My partner wants to kick me out whenever we argue. Advice needed plz.
MY boyfriend is 32M and I am a 28F.
So a lil backgorund of us is that we have been together for a little over a year and just got our first apartment 5 months ago. lately when we argue he throws it in my face that once the lease is up he wants me out or simply threatens to kick me out when i also pay rent here. and it just makes me feel so not secure in my living situation. our phones are in the plan and he even took my phone and was fighting trynna get it back for a few minutes. Is this normal. No right? It's only gonna get worse? He's upset because he says i don't comminute with him in general and i guess he is fed up but he got so aggressive today and was trynna kick me out. What do I do? What's the best way to manage this.